Friday, April 10, 2020


The Virus

The coronavirus, or Covid-19, has left many feeling scared, anxious, and powerless. The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 204 countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances.Especialy in Indonesia,based on 3-04-2020,around 1.790 people is confirm positive corona virus,170 people was died because of corona,and 112 recovered from the virus.

For me and my family this virus is bring a impact,I cannot go to scholl..huhu i miss my friend,i miss 11 ips 3,and some teachers,and of course no money and I can't go out..But thank God none of my friends and me who get infected.Even I can't go out I still can video call with my friends.Right now we ave to stay at home and do social distancing because from this way,we can save more people life and ourself and don't forget to stay health.Eat healthy food,drink water,vitamin c,and work out,and always wash our hand.

I hope this virus will passed and our country can get the vaccine as soon as posible,and we can do our normal activities.
You can protect yourself and help prevent spreading the virus to others if you:
-DoWash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub
-Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze
-Avoid close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell
-Stay home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell

-Touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean

Terus Menyebar, Korban Meninggal Virus Corona di China Jadi 636 Orang

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