Friday, April 24, 2020

Her name is Andi Maura Putri Radi, she was born in Jakarta, September 22, 2003. She is the first child of 4 siblings. A younger sister named Andi Siti Anisa Putri Radi, her third and fourth younger siblings named Andi Gerhan Radi Putra and Andi Ramadhan Radi Putra. His parents have their own business, car rental.
At the age of less than 6 years he began in grade 1 elementary school in east Jakarta named SDS Kartika, then after graduating he continued his education at SMPN 49 east Jakarta in 2015. After graduating from junior high school he got his high school at SMAN 27 in central Jakarta.
He lives in a family that is practically capable of all the needs he is easy to get help by his parents. He aspires to be a businessman to continue his parents' business, but on the other hand he also wants to be an actress or actor. From childhood he loved announcing or demonstrating an actress. That's what made him start challenging to take the road to his success. He joined the event looking for talent, etc.
After he finished his education at SMA 27 he continued his education at ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) and majored in Business Management. He tried hard to achieve his goals and make his parents happy. A few years later he became a successful entrepreneur in Indonesia. She also built her own company from scratch, and she is also known as an actress because she is also in the entertainment world.

Biografi R.A Kartini

Raden Adjeng Kartini is a Javanese noblewoman and is best known as a pioneer in the area of women’s rights for native Indonesians.
Raden Adjeng Kartini was born on April 21, 1879, in Mayong, Indonesia. In 1903, she opened the first Indonesian primary school for native girls that did not discriminate based on social standing. She corresponded with Dutch colonial officials to further the cause of Javanese women’s emancipation up until her death, on September 17, 1904, in Rembang Regency, Java. In 1911, her letters were published.
On November 8, 1903, she wed the regent of Rembang, Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat. With help from the Dutch government and her husband, in 1903 she opened the first Indonesian primary school for native girls that did not discriminate on the basis of their social status.
On September 17, 1904, at the age of 25, Kartini died in the regency of Rembang, Java, of complications from giving birth to her first child. Seven years after her death, one of her correspondents, Jacques H. Abendanon, published a collection of Kartini’s letters, entitled “From Darkness to Light: Thoughts About and on Behalf of the Javanese People.” In Indonesia, Kartini Day is still celebrated annually on Kartini’s birthday.

Narative text

One day my brother was sick and I helped my parents take care of my sick younger brother. suddenly my younger brother had to be taken to the hospital. my mother immediately hysterical and immediately asked for help to neighbors because my father was working. I was rushed to the hospital immediately to the emergency room, because my younger brother had seizures. after passing it is immediately transferred to the inpatient room. my parents regretted that when my brother was ill he was immediately taken to the doctor. finally my younger brother was hospitalized for several days and had experienced periods that could be considered critical. after the incident if my younger brother had a fever, he was immediately taken to the hospital because he did not want the incident to recur.

Friday, April 10, 2020


Sarah Aprilia
Yoga Abimanyu

as usual before we start the presentation were going to sing nasional song from indonesia !!!
spirit !!!

- Opening : Dirgahayu Indonesia
lyrics :
Dirgahayu Indonesiaku
Negeri dan bangsaku yang kusayangi
Aneka suka dan duka
Penempaan Tuhan tlah kita jalani

Sadar tahan ditempa Tuhan
Agar kita jadi
Bijak bestari

Ikhlas bakti membina bangsa
yang adil dan merata

Dirgahayu Indonesiaku
Negeri dan bangsaku
Yang kita sayangi

- Materi    : Biography

- Video      : -

- Quiz        : -

- Latihan  : Choose one of figure that really inspire you most in your life. write his/her biography in your blog!
Biography of The Great General Sudirman.
Image result for ‪jendral besar soedirman‬‏

General Sudirman is one of the most popular figures in the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation. He was the first commander of the military, religious leaders, educators, Muhammadiyah leader and a pioneer of guerrilla warfare in Indonesia. General Sudirman also one of the five-star general in Indonesia besides General AH Nasution and General Suharto. He was born in Bodas Karangjati, Purbalingga, Central Java, on January 24, 1916 and died in Magelang, Central Java, January 29, 1950 at the age of 34 years of tuberculosis and is buried at the Heroes Cemetery in semaki State Kusuma, Yogyakarta.

General Sudirman was born and raised in a modest family. His father, KARSID Kartowirodji, was a worker at Sugar Factory Kalibagor, Banyumas, and his mother, Siyem, bleary-eyed offspring Wedana Apex. Soedirman since the age of 8 months was appointed as a child by R. Tjokrosoenaryo, an assistant district officer Apex is still a brother of Siyem. General Sudirman acquire formal education from the School Garden Student. Then he went on to HIK (school teacher), Muhammadiyah Surakarta but not until the end. Sudirman was also active at the moment Scouts organization Hizbul Wathan. After that he became a teacher at his school in Cilacap Muhammadiyah.

The knowledge gained from the Japanese military through education. After completing his education at the MAP, he became a battalion commander in Kroya, Central Java. Later he became the commander of Division V / Banyumas after TKR formed, and eventually was elected Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (Commander TKR). Sudirman was known to have a private firm on principle and conviction, he always put the interests of many people and nation above personal interests, even the interests of his own health. His personality is written in a book by Tjokropranolo, bodyguard during the guerrilla, as someone who is always consistent and consistent in defending the interests of the homeland, the nation and the state. During the Japanese occupation, the Sudirman been a member of the People’s Food Board and a member of the House of Representatives residency of Banyumas. In this time he set up a cooperative to help the people from starvation.

After World War II, the Japanese surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. Sukarno used the moment to declare the independence of Indonesia. Sudirman and his troops fought in Banyumas, Central Java against the Japanese and captured weapons and ammunition. At that time the Japanese position is still strong in Indonesia. MAP Soedirman organizing his battalion into a regiment based in Banyumas, to become the army of the Republic of Indonesia which then played a major role in the war Indonesian National Revolution.

After the People’s Security Army (TKR) was formed, he was subsequently appointed as Commander of Division V / Banyumas with the rank of Colonel. And through TKR Conference on 12 November 1945, was elected Soedirman TKR Commander / Chief of the Armed Forces of Indonesia. Later he began to suffer from tuberculosis, but he still falls within the guerrilla war against the forces who want to master the Dutch NICA Indonesia after the Japanese surrender.

The first great war is a war led Soedirman Palagan Ambarawa against the British and Dutch NICA which lasts from November to December 1945. In December 1945, forces led by Sudirman TKR fought against the British army in Ambarawa. And on December 12, 1945, Sudirman launched simultaneous attacks against all top notch British Ambarawa. Famous battle which lasted for five days to end with the withdrawal of British troops to Semarang. The war ended on December 16, 1945. After victories in the Sudirman Ambarawa Theater, on December 18, 1945 he was appointed as General by President Soekarno. Soedirman gained the rank of General is not through the military academy or other higher education, but because of his achievements.

General Sudirman still plunge into battle during the second Dutch military aggression in the capital Yogyakarta. When the capital was moved to Yogyakarta, Indonesia as Jakarta has mastered Belanda.Soedirman led his troops to defend Yogyakarta from the Dutch attack was on December 19, 1948. In opposition, the health condition of General Sudirman was in a very weak state of tuberculosis he suffered for a long time. Yogyakarta was then controlled by the Dutch, although Indonesia was ruled by the army after General Offensive March 1, 1949. At that time, President Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta and several cabinet members were also arrested by the Dutch army. Because of the precarious situation, Soedirman crutches left with his troops and return to guerrilla warfare.

He moved around for seven months from one forest to another forest, and from mountain to mountain in sickness almost without treatment and medical care. Soedirman home of guerrilla because his health condition does not allow her to lead the Armed Forces directly. After that just a figure Soedirman planners behind the scenes in a guerrilla campaign against the Dutch. After the Dutch surrender as the Indonesian archipelago States in the 1949 Round Table Conference in The Hague, General Sudirman back to Jakarta with President Sukarno and Vice President Mohammad Hatta. At the date January 29, 1950, General Sudirman died in Magelang, Central Java illness suffered severe tuberculosis. He was buried in the Heroes Cemetery in semaki State Kusuma, Yogyakarta. He was named the Defender of Independence hero. In 1997 he was awarded posthumously to Major General of the five-star rank possessed only by a few generals in Indonesia until now.

- Short movie : 
=> a child who sees his father die and has been affixed and ready to be buried, in the last second the child hugs the father in the chest and closes himself in the chest. the residents thought there was no one in the chest except the body, but it was the child's fault that he was still inside with his father. the child witnessed the torture of his father's grave and brought a match given by his father and the child was in the grave and buried alive with his father

Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : Bungaku

lyrics :
Bungaku, kudengar panggilmu

Bungaku, aku pun rindu

Maafkan 'ku harus pergi

Mengejar semua mimpi yang berarti
Cobalah 'tuk hayati artimu
Tiada yang dapat menggantikan
Jalani dan jangan bersedih

Hapuslah air matamu

Lepaskan risau hatimu

Pastikan semua mimpi 'kan berarti
Hayati penting artimu bagiku
Bintang pun tak dapat menggantikan


Andi Maura

as usual before we start the presentation were going to sing nasional song from indonesia !!!
spirit !!!

- Opening : Garuda Pancasila
Lyrics :
Garuda Pancasila
Akulah Pendukungmu
Patriot Proklamasi
Sedia Berkorban Untukmu

Pancasila Dasar Negara
Rakyat Adil Makmur Sentosa
Pribadi Bangsa Ku
Ayo Maju Maju...
Ayo Maju Maju...
Ayo Maju Majuuu...

- Materi    : Biography

- Video      : -

- Quiz        : -

- Latihan  : Post Reading Activity (hal 163)

Question :

1. why do we need biographies? what is their purpose?
2. what information can we find about a person by reading a biography? discuss.
3. from Ki Hajar Dewantara's biography, how would you discribe him?
4. can you find any similarities between ki Hajar Dewantara and yourself? describe.
5. responsbility is being accountable to God and to others as you do your duties or obligations in a faithful way. do you think ki Hajar Dewantara was a responsible person? how did he show it? discuss.
6. think of an example of taks or event in your life that required responsibility. were you responsible in fulfilling this duty or obligation? share your example.
7. do you think there were some significant events that changed Ki Hajar Dewantara's life? how did those events shape or change him? discuss.
8. what kind of impact did Ki Hajar Dewantara have on people? discuss.
9. Ki Hajar Dewantara has had great impact on indonesian struggle for freedom, especially education. discuss with your peers what may have been different if he was not there.
10. Ki Hajar made lot of sacrifices for his country. if you were in his place , what would you do? describe
11. what did you know abput the Ki Hajar Dewantara prior to reading his short biography? did you learn anything new about him? did anything you read changed your opinion about him?

Answer :

1. We need Biography to reflect on other people way of life and absorb all of the good and moral value within their story and applied in our life, As for purpose is to tell a complete story about someone's life for readers to read
2. Many information we can found in biography. As for general findings we can find their full name, parents name, spouse, child, birth place and date, his/her study, rank in society, achievements, and as for more detail we can find his/her story since his/her child till death, any events happen in his/her life, tragedy, happy or conflict, his/her friends, betrayal or gaining new friends, all can be found in biography
3. Ki Hajar Dewantara is a wise man with high intelligent, outstanding patience and also very reasonable person
4. As for similarities i can only relate to his patience and reasonable as the most close for me to him
5. Yes he is very responsible person, anytime praying time is up he immediately pray wherever he can pray
6. Once i was elected as the head committee of graduation event, as the date getting close one of the committee member was sick and unable to continue her duty, as the head committee i act as the replacement in her department and continue her work while doing my own work, this i do to ensure the graduation ceremony success
7. When the Netherlander decided oppress the people of Yogyakarta, he decided to take action and revolt against the invader.
8. He is really charismatic and able to rally follower to revolt against invader
9. Indonesia might not have any resilience and will to study to become much more better person
10. I will stand toes to toes with the invader and drive away them as fast as i can and built the most impenetrable defense mentally and physically so the invader will not able to go in
11. i learnt a lot like how to be a wise leader and able to lead people, i have changed my opinion about him quite a bit as for i disagree with his method towards his enemy.

- Short movie :
=> a trailer that tells the continuation of the film Train to Busan, and the film is named after the Train To Busan 2, which tells about zombies that have spread throughout the world and the world, and the world has been destroyed because of this zombie, this zombie is caused by a study that crosses the limits of its research and eventually fails and develops into a zombie, andwhat if this zombie bites an ordinary human, then he who is bitten will come to be like a zombie

Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : Anging Mamiri
Lyrics :
Anging mamiri ku pasang
Pitujui tontonganna
Tusaroa takkan lupa
Batumi anging mamiri
Anging ngerang dinging-dinging
Namalontang saribuku
E... aule...
Na mangu rangi
Tutenaya, tutenaya parisina
Batumi anging mamiri
Anging ngerang dinging-dinging
Namalontang saribuku
E... aule...
Na mangu rangi
Mato'lorang... mato'lorang je'ne mato
O o o o o o o o o


Adelia Azahra
Andika Bhayangkara

as usual before we start the presentation were going to sing nasional song from indonesia !!!
spirit !!!

- Opening : Andika Bhayangkari
Lyrics :
Andhika Bhayangkari
Pencipta sapta marga
Pancasila mulai jadi negara mulia
Bhineka tunggal ika
Lambang bangsa satria
Menuju nusantara
Bahagia jaya
Bahagia jaya...

- Materi    : Narrative

- Video      :

- Quiz        : -

- Latihan  : Write a short narrative story about your experience. What is the greatest sacrifice you have ever made for your family or friends? Describe it and publish it in your blog!

My Story Reaches My Citizen's Dream

This peaceful night, I'm back with my routine activities.  Reading books, fiddling with cell phones, while watching tv that I have set since seven o'clock in the morning.

The room looks quiet.  Because the sister is out of the house.  So that I am free to occupy this big bed.  Rolling around Like fish seasoned with flour.  Ha ha.  Again.

My passion surged after watching carefully the series of hopes, struggles, sacrifice of ideals.  Makes me touched.  Instantly I began to stare faintly into me.  About the ideals that I have been fighting for.  About the dream that I loved until this moment.

Correct.  Basically, ideals are not a dream that is only dreamed of.  But it includes sacrifice, hope and struggle.  It is not even half-hearted to force the tears to swell.  Insisted on the principle even though it was shaky.

I experienced that.  Berlinang tears even despair.  Just give up.  Through that difficult thing.  I began to compromise from myself.  Learning that requires a long process.  Going back and forth looking for something that can be learned.  Having fun with other writers is fun.  They give a lot of knowledge sincerely.  Until I reached this point.  Indeed, I have not yet reached the top.  But at least I gradually crawled to the top.

- Short movie :
=> a mermaid who has the ability to emit electrical energy that hopes a man on the boat likes it and can marry her but it does not go according to his expectations and he is also used by the boat's young man to open a beverage container with flashing lights such as disco and electricity generated  from the mermaid.  really short movie that is very entertaining and funny.

Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : Jamuran
Lyrics :
Jamuran ya ge ge thok
Jamu apa ya ge ge thok
Jamur gajih mberjijih sak ara-ara
Semprat-semprit Jamur apa


Sefriyan Reynaldi
Aulia Rahmadani

as usual before we start the presentation were going to sing nasional song from indonesia !!!
spirit !!!

- Opening : Pantang Mundur
Lyrics :
Kulepas dikau pahlawan
Kurelakan dikau berjuang
Demi keagungan negara
Kanda pergi ke medan jaya

Bila kanda teringat
Ingatlah adik seoarang
Jadikan daku semangat
Terus maju pantang mundur

Air mataku berlinang
Karena bahagia
Putra pertama lahir sudah
Kupintakan nama padamu pahlawan

Sembah sujud ananda
Dirgahayulah kakanda
Jayalah dikau pahlawan
Terus maju pantang mundur

- Materi    : Narrative cast leaf
=> The story is set in Greenwich Village during a pneumonia epidemic. It tells the story of an old artist who saves the life of a young neighboring artist, dying of pneumonia, by giving her the will to live. Through her window she can see an old tree (growing against a nearby wall), gradually shedding its leaves as autumn turns into winter, and she has taken the thought into her head that she will die when the last leaf falls.

- Video      : -

- Quiz        : -

- Latihan  : Post Reading Activity (hal 157)

Question :

1. The story is based on multiple themes like love, sacrifice, hope, belief and pessimism. Which one do you think is more obvious in the story?
2. Why? Give evidence to support your answer.
Why does Sue call "the last leaf" as Behrman's masterpiece? Do you think it was a masterpiece?
3. Were you surprised at the ending of the story? Did you think it would differently? Why?
4. Painting the picture on the wall resulted in Mr. Behrman's death. Do you think he would still have painted the leaf if he known that it would result in his death?
5. If you were in Sue's shoes how would you have reacted to Johnsy's irrational thoughts? Describe
6. Why do you think Mr. Behrman made such a sacrifice?
7. What would you have done if you were in Mr. Behrman's place?
8. What is the greatest sacrifice you have ever made for tour family or friends?
9. Describe Mr. Behrman's personality based on the story?
10. Why do you think Johnsy never noticed that the last leaf never fluttered or moved even though it was raining heavily?

Answer :

1. "Hope" is the one that i think more obvious in the story. Because in the end of the story the last leaf gave Jhonsy hope. Jhonsy was believed that she will die when the last leaf fall. But,in the fact,the leaf never fall. And it's gave Jhonsy some extra passion to survive.
2. Because Sue think that it is the leaf that make her friend's "living-desire" returned. And i think it make-sense to call tha last leaf masterpiece.
3. Yes,I was surprised at the ending of the story. I thought the ending will be like Behrman's will not volunteered to help Sue that asked him to draw a leaf on the window. And Johnsy will passed.
4. He had known it would result to his death. He said " some day i shall paint my masterpiece, and we shall all go away from here."
5. I will stay with my friend even though he has an irrational thoughts. Cause we don't know when we will sick or die. We will need someone to take care of us.
6. Because he believed that he was a special duty to do everything possible to help sue and johnsy, and he believed that his masterpiece could help to make johnsy better from her condition.
7. If i were mr behrman, i would have done like it. i am old man and i don't have anything to make me usefulness for the others.
8. The greatest sacrifice i have ever made for my family is: make my parents proud. it's really very hard for me. when my friend asked me to play with them, i should study hard at home. i use my spare time to do something useful, helps my parents, my sisters and do what the best i do.
9. Behrman is a person who wants others to be happy. Although when for the first time sue told him about Jhonsy's fantasies about the leaf he reacted very badly but to give Jhonsy moral support which can be provided to her by preventing the last leaf from falling he risked his life and painted a picture of the last leaf on the opposite wall in the terrible cold weather. he is a down to earth person and a gem in millions.
10. Because Johnsy compared her life with number of leaves. when the number of leaves going to decrease the expectation of life also become decreased. when she looked out side she found that the leaf is there, she felt energetic towards life.

- Short movie :
=> This is a story that is special because I think it is important to continue the conversation about the effects of bullying and how we should embrace or unique differences because a colorful world is a beautiful one. I also wanted to pay homage to silent films of the past and create a modern style silent film. This is why I wrote this story and wanted it to represent as my thesis film.

Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : Bungong Jeumpa
Lyrics :
Bungong jeumpa bungong jeumpa megah di Aceh
Bungong telebeh, telebeh indah lagoina
Puteh kuneng mejampu mirah
Keumang siulah cidah that rupa
Lam sinar buleun lam sinar buleun angen peu ayon
Ru roh mesuson mesuson, nyang malamala
Mangat that mebe


  The following text is for number 1-3 Burning a CD allows you to take music from one CD and transfer it onto another CD. This process is po...