Monday, February 8, 2021



The following text is for number 1-3

Burning a CD allows you to take music from one CD and transfer it onto another CD. This process is possible with any computer that has a CD driver, but it is easier on a computer that can run two CDs at once. Either way, you can copy all your music from one CD to the next. Here is how to copy from one CD to another, using one and two CD drivers.
Burning with two CD Trays
1. Insert the CD from which you want to burn music into your computer’s CD tray. Insert a blank CD into your computer’s second CD tray.
2. Open windows media player and wait for it to recognize the CD.
3. Click the “burn” option at the top of Windows Media Player. Drag the songs you want from the list of your songs into the area on the right labeled “Burn List”.
4. Choose the blank CD onto which you want to burn your song. This can be done at the top of the Burn List Menu.
5. Click the “Start Burn” button when you have all the song you want for the CD added to the Burn List. Wait for your computer to finish the CD, then take both of the CDs out.


1. What is the topic of the text?
A. Running two CDs.
B. Opening Media Player.
C. Copying a compact disc.
D. Choosing the blank CD.
E. Inserting the CD into computer.
Answer : C


2. What should we do after click the “burn” option at the top of Windows Media Player?
A. Choose the blank CD onto which you want to burn your song.
B. Open windows media player and wait for it to recognize the CD.
C. Wait for your computer to finish the CD, then take both CDs out.
D. Click the “Start Burn” button when you have all the songs you want from the CD.
E. Drag the songs from the list of Songs into the area on the right labeled “Burn List”.
Answer : E
3. “The process of copying CD is possible with any computer…”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to…
A. Improbable
B. Probable
C. Unlikely
D. Doubtful
E. Suspicious
Answer : B


The following text is for number 4-5

Is your refrigerator getting messy and dirty? I’ll advise you on how to clean it.

First of all, prepare a cloth, a dish towel, a knife or spatula, vinegar and some water.Then, empty the refrigerator. Place the things on the table or in empty baskets. Throw out aged or inedible food. Toss out anything you don’t use regularly.

After that, defrost the refrigerator. Use a knife or spatula to gently remove the ice built-up on the shelves and dispose of it.

Next, wipe your refrigerator inside and outside using a cloth, vinegar and water. Rinse the cloth properly with clean water. Also, do not neglect to clean the door.

Finally, use the dish towel to dry the refrigerator. Let it dry thoroughly before you replace everything. You should keep your refrigerator organized with meat, cheese and butter on one shelf. It will be better if you store raw meat on the bottom shelf to avoid meat juices dripping on to the shelf below. Put the vegetable in the crisper.

Clean your refrigerator once a month. Please remember, do not wash a cold glass shelf with hot water. The sudden temperature change could shatter the glass.


4. Why should we put the meat on the bottom shelf?
A. To spare more space for other items               
B. To make the meat easy to store and take       
C. To make the refrigerator durable
D. To keep the other shelves clean
E. To keep the freeze organized
Answer : D

5. From the text we can conclude that....
A. We don’t need to clean the door                                           
B. We must not use sharp tools to remove ice
C. We should clean our refrigerator one a month
D. We need less than five items to do the procedure
E. It’s better to use hot water to wash a cold glass shelf.
Answer : C



The following text is for number 1-3 

- Ingredients
1 tb margarine, dairy free
1 tb Vegetables oil
1 c onion – chopped
8 oz Mushrooms – sliced
1 lg Garlic clove – minced
1/3 celery – thinly sliced
3 c Soybean milk
4 c Potatoes – cubed ½ inch
¼ ts Black pepper
1 ts Salt, or to taste
1 tb Parsley – chopped

- Directions
1. Saute onion, garlic, celery, and green pepper in hot oil and margarine about 3 minutes. Add sliced mushrooms and sauté 3 more minutes.
2. Add soybean milk, black pepper, salt and potatoes. Bring mixture almost to a boil; reduce heat and simmer 25 minutes, stirring occasionally.
3. Make about 6 cups. Thin with extra soybean milk if soup is too thick.
4. Garnish with parsley and serve with the veal.

1. What is the topic of the text?
A. How to make creamy mushroom potatoes.
B. The materials of creamy mushroom potatoes.
C. Steps of cleaning creamy mushroom potatoes.
D. How to produce heat and simmer soybean and potatoes.
E. How to prepare ingredients for creamy mushroom.
Answer : A
2. 1 tb parsley – chopped.
The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
A. Drawn
B. Hacked
C. Poured
D. Stirred
E. Cut
Answer : E
3. According to the text when should we add sliced mushroom?
A. After adding soybean milk, black pepper, salt & potatoes.
B. After frying onions, garlic, celery & green pepper.
C. As soon as we heat and simmer onion, garlic and green pepper.
D. Before pouring the oil and margarine.
E. Before we serve the meal.
Answer : B

The following text is for number 4-5


You will need:
• 2 cups of rolled oats
• 1,5 cups of caster sugar
• 4 tablespoons of golden syrup
• 2 tablespoons of boiling water
• 1 cup of plain flour
• 250 grams of butter
• 1 teaspoon of baking soda

1. Turn on the oven 160o C.
2. Lightly grease an oven tray.
3. Mix oats, flour and sugar in a large bowl.
4. Melt butter and golden syrup in a pan.
5. Mix baking soda and boiling water in a cup.
6. Add this mixture to melted butter and golden syrup.
7. Add this to the oats mixture in the large bowl, mix together well.
8. Roll tablespoonfuls of the mixture into balls. Put on the try 5 cm apart.
9. Press lightly on top of each with a fork.
10. Bake for 20 minutes.  

 4. What is the purpose of the text?
 A. To tell how to make Anzac Biscuits
 B. To see the ingredients of Anzac Biscuits
 C. To announce a new recipe of Anzac Biscuits
 D. To prepare everything for cooking Anzac Biscuits
 E. To show how to make Anzac Biscuits
  Answer : A

5. Why do we use a fork to make Anzac Biscuits?
A. To mix baking soda and boiling water
B. To press the balls of mixture
C. To put the balls on a tray
D. To roll the mixture
E. To eat
Answer : B



The following text is for number 1-2

Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located under your seat.
Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you’re your waist.

Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically inflated by pulling a cord, but if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.
A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket should be removed only in case of emergency.
The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walkman, and any mobile phones are prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and navigational system.
We wish you an enjoyable flight.

1. Where is the life jacket located?
A. Over the head
B. Around the waist.
C. Outsite the aircraft.
D. In the back of the seat.
E. Under the seat.

Answer : A

2. What can interfere the navigatioanl system

A. Table.
B. The life jacket.
C. Mobile phones
D. The attached light.
E. Tapes around the waist.

Answer : C

The following text is for number 3-5

 What you need:

- Your Burch Smartphones
- WI-Fi Connection
Steps to connect to a network:
1. Tap settings.
2. Tap WI-Fi.
3. Turn on the WI-Fi, your smartphone will automatically search for available WI-Fi networks.
4. Tap the name of your desired WI-Fi network:
- If the network is not password-protected, a check-mark will appear to the right of the network if your smartphone is connected to the network.
- If the network is password-protected, you will be prompted to enter the password. A check-mark will appear to the right of the network if your smartphone is connected to the network.
5. If your desired network does not appear, it is possible that your network is hidden:
- Tap other.
- Enter the exact name of the network.
- If it exists, you will be prompted to enter the password. A check-mark will appear to the right of the network if your smartphone is connected to the network.

3.   The opposite of the underlined word “automatically” is mostly ....
A. Automated   
B. Subconsciously
C. Importantly
D. Manually
E. Unconsciously

Answer :  D

4. What is the difference between hidden network and not hidden network?

A. Hidden network can be accessed without password.
B. Hidden network is not password protected.
C. Hidden network does not actually exist.
D. Hidden network is outside the range of your phone.
E. Hidden network will not display itself unless you type the exact name of the network.

Answer : E

5. What is the best title for the text?
A. How to input your password.
B. How to connect your burch smartphones to hidden network.
C. How to connect to Wi-Fi if you are outside the range of networks.
D. How to connect your burch smartphones to Wi-Fi.
E. How to search for available wi-fi networks.

Answer : D



The following text is for number 1-2

Angkor Wat was faced a Hindu temple, a man of Budhist temple completed in Cambodia. It is the largest religious monument in the world. The temple was built by the Khmer King, Suryawarman II in the early twelveth century in Yosadapura, the capital of the Khmer Empire as this temple of eventual moslem. It is dedicated to Wisnu. It is designed to represent Khmr Meru, frame of the Devis in Hindu mithology within the mouth and has an outer wall which is 3 to 7 km long. It has three rectangular galleries which races about the neck. At the centre of the temple stand Queen Cap of Tower.

1.What is the monolog about?
A.  Gallery complex.
B.  Buddhist mythology.
C.  Cambodia.
D.  Khmer Empire.
E.  Angkor Wat.

Answer : E

2. In the twelveth century which Empire was strong enough to build the biggest temple of the world?
A.  Old Empire.
B.  Yosadapura Empire.
C.  Meru Empire.
D.  The King Empire.
E.  Khmer Empire.

Answer : E 

The following text is for number 3-5

Masjid Sultan Suriansyah is a historical mosque. Built 300 years ago, this building is the oldest mosque in South Kalimantan. The mosque is located in the North Kuin Village of Banjarmasin. It was built in the reign of Sultan Suriansyah known as Pangeran SamuderA. He was the first Banjarnese King who converted into Islam. This mosque was found on the bank of the Kuin River, near KampungKraton, which was destroyed by the Dutch colonial.
The construction of Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was uniquE. The roof is layereD. It took the Banjar’s past architecture before Islam camE. Different from any other old mosques in Banjar, the mihrab has its own roof, separated from the main building.

3. Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was constructed in the era of ….
A. Banjar people
B. Dutch colonial
C. Kalimantan King
D. Sultan Suriansyah

Answer : D


4. What is mainly discussed in the text?
A. A king reign
B. A palace complex
C. An Islamic location
D. A historical mosque

Answer : D

5. From the text we know that ….
A. Some construction of the mosque takes the local style
B. Banjar people burned down the mosque
C. There is nothing special from this mosque
D. The Dutch colonial built the mosque

Answer : A


The following text is for number 1-2

Paris is the capital city of FrancE. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the worlD. It is also one of the world’s most crowded cities. Lovely gardens and parks are found throughout Paris. At night, many palaces and statues are lit up. For this reason, Paris is often called the city of light. Every year, millions of people visit Paris. The most popular place to visit is the Eiffel Tower. This huge structure has become the symbol of Paris. D’Louvre, one of the world‘s largest art museums draws many visitors. The Cathedral Notre Dame, a famous church, is an other favourite place to visit.


1. What is the monologue about?
A. Paris
B. The Louvre
C. Notre Dame
D. The crowded city
E. The city of light

Answer : A


2. What has become the symbol of Paris?
A. The Louvre
B. The Cathedral
C. The Eiffel Tower
D. The lovely garden
E. The light structure

Answer : C

The following text is for number 3-5

Losari beach is a beautiful beach and located on the edge city of Makassar. It is located only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park). The beach used to be the longest café in Asia, because many cafes stand in along the beach, but now the cafes are collected in a special place so it does not spread along the coast. Charm of the beach is mainly seen in the evening when the sunset stands out. This is a major attraction of people’s coming to the Losari beach.
Every evening hundreds of people come to witness the panorama of red as the sun will disappear into the ocean, so do not miss the sunset at the Losari beach. If the sky is sunny, the scenery is absolutely perfect. Because of its location in a bay, the water of Losari is even often quiet as usual pool water.

Losari is its waterfront of Makassar. The lengthy of the beach is approximately one kilometer and it is a public space that can be accessed by anyonE. On this beach there is a park called the Pelataran Bahari (Marine Park), with semicircular area of nearly one hectarE. This place is a plaza with a clean floor for children to play and running around, while parents and teens sit on concrete benches to enjoy the sea breezE. From this place, you are also free to view out to the sea and watch the sunset slowly turns reddish in the line of the horizon. The reflected light also creates sheen on the surface of sea water.

The Pelataran Bahari also serves as the stadium of open water to watch the coastal waters in front of Losari beach. This coastal water is often used as a racecourse jet ski, boat races and traditional boat jolloro katinting, or become a transit point of rely of Sandeq traditional sailboats and yachts.
In Losari there are also a few hotels. Some of them qualified as a tree stars hotel. The hotel is offering panoramic beauty of the sea with luxury service treats. There are Losari Beach Hotel, Losari Beach Inn, Makassar Golden Hotel, and Pantai Gapura Hotel. All of the hotels located in Jalan Penghibur.

3. What is the main idea of the text?
A. Losari beach is a awful place.
B. Losari beach is a good place to visit.
C. No body visit Losari beach.
D. Many visitor on Pantai Gapura Hotel.
E. No one stay at Losari Beach Inn.

Answer : B


4. How many hotels does the writer mention?
A. Six hotels.
B. Five hotels.
C. Four hotels.
D. Three hotels.
E. Two hotels.

Answer : C


5. Where is Losari beach located?
A. Somewhere at Makassar City.
B. Locate at Jalan Penghibur.
C. Near Makassar City.
D. Far away from Losari Beach Inn.
E. Located only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park).

Answer : E




Text 1
Dear sirs,
With reference to your advertisement in Today’s time, I would like to be considered for Marketing Senior Assistant post.
My present position in n an electronic marketing staff where I have special responsibility for home appliances. I also have experiences in other electroic goods, like cameras and smart phones. I have been working as a marketing specialist as soon as I completed my first degree in 2012. My tasks among other are building good relationship with distributors and customers, and providing inputs for the company about pricing policies, marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction.
Hoping to hear from you soon, I enclose my curriculum vitae and rencent photograph.
Yours faithfully,
Harry Clarks

1. Why does the sender write the letter?
A. To apply for a certain position.
B. To provide inputs for the company.
C. To give information about his speciality.
D. To convince the readers about his experience.

2. What does the sender possibly do after sending the letter?
A. Wait for the response of the recipient.
B. Call the recipient for the confirmation.
C. Work as a marketing specialist.
D. Complete his firs degree

49 Contoh Soal Application Letter dan Jawabannya

Sebelumnya kita sudah belajar contoh soal personal letter sekarang ini adalah contoh soal job application letter dan jawabannya. Materi personal letter biasanya diberikan untuk anak SMA dan MA sementara soal surat lamaran kerja umumnya diberikan kepada siswa dan siswi SMK. Perbedaan secara mencolok biasanya tampak pada alternative jawaban yang diberikan. Soal untuk SMA dan MA biasanya sampai 5 pilihan (a, b, c,d, e). Sedangkan contoh soal application letter smk hanya diberikan dengan 4 jawaban pilhan ganda (a, b, c, d). Perbedaan ini bisa kita lihat pada meodel soal bahasa Inggris untuk Ujian Nasional.

Disamping diberikan contoh soal pilihan ganda application letter dan jawabannya, agar lebih bisa menguasai berbagai macam type dan model pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggirs, berikut juga diberikan beberapa contoh soal application letter essay beserta jawabannya. Sebenarnya antara soal pilihan ganda dan soal essay tidak banya bebeda secara muatan materi. Hampir semua soal bahasa Inggris hanya meliputi ide pokok, informasi rinci baik tersirat dan tersurat, makna kata, dan pertanyaan rujukan kata.

Beberapa pertanyaan dibawah ini sangat cocok dengan soal application letter smk. Hampir semua contoh soal pilihan ganda bahasa inggris tentang application letter haraus dipahami sebagai bentuk tulisan yang berusaha untuk meyakinkan pembacanya sehingga jenis tulisan ini masuk sebagai kategori analytical exposition text. Pertanyaan yang diberikan akan berkenaan juga dengan soal pilihan ganda job description. Memang tidak secara khusuus ini adalah soal application letter dan pembahasannya sebagai salah satu materi  application letter kelas 12. Sebelumnya para siswa harus memahami dulu apa itu contoh soal job vacancy sebagai awalan pemahaman tentang job documents. Biar tidak tambah bingung, berikut adalah contoh soal dan jawabannya yang benar dengan dicetak tebal.

Text 1
Dear sirs,
With reference to your advertisement in Today’s time, I would like to be considered for Marketing Senior Assistant post.
My present position in n an electronic marketing staff where I have special responsibility for home appliances. I also have experiences in other electroic goods, like cameras and smart phones. I have been working as a marketing specialist as soon as I completed my first degree in 2012. My tasks among other are building good relationship with distributors and customers, and providing inputs for the company about pricing policies, marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction.
Hoping to hear from you soon, I enclose my curriculum vitae and rencent photograph.
Yours faithfully,
Harry Clarks

1. Why does the sender write the letter?
A. To apply for a certain position.
B. To provide inputs for the company.
C. To give information about his speciality.
D. To convince the readers about his experience.

2. What does the sender possibly do after sending the letter?
A. Wait for the response of the recipient.
B. Call the recipient for the confirmation.
C. Work as a marketing specialist.
D. Complete his firs degree

3. “…I enclose my curriculum vitae..”  The word “enclose” is in the closest meaning to…
A. Hedge.
B. Attach.
C. Confine.
D. Encircle

Text 2
Taylor, Inc.
694 Rockstar Lane
Durham, NC 27708

Dear Human Resources Director:
I just read an article in the New and Observer about Taylor’s new computer center  just north of Durham. I would like to apply for a position as an entry-level  programmer at the center.

I understand that Taylor produces both in-house and customer documentation. I am a fresh graduate of DeVry Institute of Technology in Atlanta with an  Associate’s Degree in Computer Science. In addition to having taken a broad  range of courses, I served as a computer consultant at the college’s computer  center where I helped train computer users on new systems.

I will be happy to meet you at your convenience and discuss how my education and experience match your needs. You can reach me at my home address, at  (9191) 233-1552, or at

Raymond Krick

4. Why did Mr. Krick write the letter?
a. To apply for a job.
b. To ask for some information.
c. To introduce himself to Taylor.
d. To explain his educational background.

5. How does Mr. Krick know the vacancy?
a. From the radio.
b. From a colleague.
c. From a newspaper.
d. From the television.



1. What is the meaning of the secences?
a. Love can be represent by music
b. It is about how to play music
c. Love is music
d. A child loves music
e. A father plays music for his child
Answer : a

2. What is the aim of the text?
a. To make readers understand about love?
b. To make readers what to know about music
c. To inform readers that music can make love to everyone
d. To inform that a father loves his child
e. To inform that music can bring love
Answer : c

3. What is advantage of the text?
a. Motivate others to care
b. To make others understand love
c. To inform other about music
d. To inform that a father loves his child
e. To inform that music can show a love
Answer : a

4. Why does father in the picture play bamboo flute? Because, bamboo flute….
a. A simple way of music
b. Cheap things
c. It can be faound everywhere
d. Everybody can use it
e. Bamboo represent simple, warm, and traditional
Answer : a

5. Why does a child look happy?
a. A child likes a bamboo
b. A child likes his father
c. A child feels his feather’s love
d. A child seems get flute
e. A child can sing together
Answer : c



Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 3

Singapore to Develop Marine Tourism in Riau Islands of Indonesia
Singapore has expressed its interest in developing marine tourism in Natuna, Anambas and Lingga, three beautiful yet hidden regencies in the Riau Islands province of Indonesia.

According to Riau Islands deputy Governor, Soeryo Respationo, the three areas have their own beauty but lack of adequate infrastructure to boost tourism.

Singapore's investment in the tourism sector would perfectly match with the islands' need, he said recently. Soeryo said that Singapore Ambassador Anil Kumar Nayar visited the Riau islands asministration on Tuesday to show the country's commitment in developing the marine tourism sector.

1. Singapore is interested in making investment in ....
     A. Tourism in the three islands in Riau
     B. Tourism in the sea around the three islands in Riau
     C. Building marine infrastructure in the three islands in Riau
     D. Building tourism infrastructure in the three islands in Riau
     E. Developing tourism industry in the three islands in Riau 
Answer : D

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
     A. Singapore shows its commitment in developing the marine tourism sector in the three islands in Riau
     B. Singapore ambassador visited the three islands in Riau
     C. Singapore needs to invest in the three islands in Riau
     D. Anil Kumar Nayar is the Singapore ambassador in Indonesia
     D. Tourism is the best sector to invest your money in Riau
Answer : A

3. What is the generic structure of the text above?
     A. Orientation-Backgroud Event-Source
     B. Newsworthy Event-Backgroud Event-Source
     C. Background Event-Elaboration-Source
     D. Main Event-Newsworthy Event-Source
     E. Main Event-Source-Backgroud
Answer : B

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 5.

Indonesia has embarked on the task of counting its islands in order to better protect its territory and marine resources. It hopes to locate and name an additional 1,700 islands in time for the UN Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names in August. Indonesia wants to claim sovereignty and fishing rights in the waters surrounding the islands, many of which its neighbors also claim.

The Indonesian government says illegal fishing in its waters is costing billions of dollars in lost revenue each year. A fisheries spokeswoman told the BBC: "Sixty per cent of islands in Indonesia don't have a name or officially have legal status, so they can easily be taken or claimed by another country."

Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago. At the last UN conference on geographical names in 2012, Indonesia registered 13,466 islands. A law in 1996 estimated that the number of islands was 17,508. The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea defines an island as, "a naturally formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is still exposed at high tide".

A spokesman from Indonesia's Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries explained the scale of the task the counting team had. He said: "We have to visit every one of these islands, and then we note the coordinates, the name, the meaning of the name, the history of the land and describe the landscape and its geographical history…all that in great detail."

4. What kind of rights does Indonesia want to claim?
     A. Water rights
     B. Legal rights
     C. Fishing rights
     D. Lost rights
     E. Mountain rights 
Answer : C

5. Why does the growth of Indonesian smokers  have to be concerned?
     A. 1,000
     B. 11,000
     C. 17,000
     D. 7,100
     E. 1,700
Answer : E


 Its been 6st day of 2021, time flew so fast. Since its my last semester im planning to study more for utbk and doing all the preparation for the uni. 

Im hoping that i can be a better person in this year, graduate from highschool perfectly, go to uni, hope this pandemic will be over as soon as possible, so then life can be normal again. And hoping that me, my family and friends always healthy.

Happy New Year ! 

Wishing you all had a good year, cheers for better us 🍻

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


The importance of food

Man needs to eat to live. The foods we eat will produce the energy used to make us strong and healthy However, do you know how the digestive system in our bodies works? Here's the explanation.

The food we eat is broken down into small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with saliva, which contains a digestive juice that moistens the food. The juice is secreted by the glands in the mouth so it can be swallowed easily.

Man needs to eat to live. The foods we eat will produce the energy used to make us strong and healthy However, do you know how the digestive system in our bodies works? Here's the explanation.

The food we eat is broken down into small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with saliva, which contains a digestive juice that moistens the food. The juice is secreted by the glands in the mouth so it can be swallowed easily.


  The following text is for number 1-3 Burning a CD allows you to take music from one CD and transfer it onto another CD. This process is po...