Thursday, March 26, 2020

Group 3

Muhammad Syaifullah
Pramuditha Faren
Punjung Khadinda


as usual before starting the presentation we sing the national song in Indonesia !!! spirit !!!!

- Opening : Di Timur Matahari
Lyrics :

Di timur matahari mulai bercahaya bercahaya
Bangun dan berdiri kawan semua semua

Marilah mengatur barisan kita

Pemuda pemudi Indonesia

- Materi    : Opinion
==> Opinion = pendapat
contohnya : asking and giving opinion
x : what do you think about my paper?
y : according in my opinion, it's good enough. you just need to revise a bit, about the words you've choosen.

- Video      : -
- Quiz        : -
- Latihan  :

make an opinion about the story !!
- Short movie :

=> a girl who is very smart and diligent who wants to change his appearance in college because he has a strange body during high school.  when he was accepted into the college he wanted he began to beautify himself from facial appearance to body appearance.  but when his body is ideal like a queen but he considers himself to be a big lump, and he is on a massive diet and exercise.  when he is really skinny and sickly he feels beautiful because the talk of that person is very unimportant because it can kill himself, and you are quite in love with yourself

Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : Badindin.

Balari lari bukannyo kijang

Pandan tajamua di muaro

Kami manari jo tari indang

Paubek hati urang basamo
Ampun jo maaf oi kami puhunkan

Pado dunsanak alek nan tibo

Sambuiklah salam oi kami ucapkan

Kami ba indang nan mudo-mudo
Bamulo indang ka ditarikan

Salam bajawek (ondeh) ganti baganti

Lagu lah indang kami nyanyikan

Supayo sanang (ondeh) basuko hati
Dindin badindin oi dindin badindin

Dindin badindin oi dindin badindin
Thank you for opening my blogger, hopefully useful for all of you ... ☺️🙏

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