Thursday, March 26, 2020


pradinansya sukma

as usual before we start the presentation were going to sing nasional song from indonesia !!!
spirit !!!

lyric :
Desaku yang kucinta Pujaan hatiku Tempat ayah dan bunda Dan handai taulanku Tak mudah kulupakan Tak mudah bercerai Selalu kurindukan Desaku yang permai Desaku yang kucinta Pujaan hatiku Tempat ayah dan bunda Dan handai taulanku Tak mudah kulupakan Tak mudah bercerai Selalu kurindukan Desaku yang permai

-materi : Letter Writing

personal letters are letters that are we writte to other people such as friend,sibling,cousin ans

-video : -

--quiz : -

-latihan : -

- short movie :

=> The story starts with the morning of a little, short guy named Bob who just starts working in the space agency. When watching the spaceship launching, Bob is hit by a bolt of mysterious lightning and starts to grow bigger

Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

-closing : burung tantina 

lyric : 
Sio tantina burung tantina
Mati dipanah Raja Nirwana
Sio tantina burung tantina
Mati dipanah Raja Nirwana

Sakitnya bukan sakit penyakit
Khabarnya datang dari Sri Rama
Sakitnya bukan sakit penyakit
Khabarnya datang dari Sri Rama

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Daffa Abdul
Dinda Aisyah
M. Farhan


as usual before starting the presentation we sing the national song in Indonesia !!! spirit !!!

- Opening : Serumpun Padi
Lyrics :
Serumpun padi tumbuh di sawah
Hijau menguning daunnya
Tumbuh di sawah penuh berlumpur
Di pangkuan ibu pertiwi
Serumpun jiwa suci
Hidupnya niscaya abadi
Serumpun padi mengandung janji
Harapan ibu pertiwi

- Materi    : Drama

- Video      :

- Quiz        : Kahoot

- Latihan  : -

- Short movie : 

=> the story of a village boy who moved to the city to study and he was bullied with his friends, until finally there was someone who helped him not to be bullied again by his friend, and the bully builder's ending with him became friends.
Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : Padhang Wulan
Lyrics :
Yo 'pra kanca dolanan ing jaba
padhang wulan padhange kaya rina
Rembulane e sing awe-awe
ngelingake aja padha turu sore
Yo 'pra kanca dolanan ing jaba
rame-rame kene akeh kancane
Langite pancen sumebyar rina
yo padha dolanan sinambi guyonan

Thank you for opening my blogger, hopefully useful for all of you ... ☺️🙏


Clarissa Annabella
M. Rizqi Ramadhan


as usual before starting the presentation we sing the national song in Indonesia !!! spirit !!!

- Opening : Berkibarlah Benderaku

Lyrics :
Berkibarlah benderaku
Lambang suci gagah perwira
Di seluruh pantai Indonesia
Kau tetap pujaan bangsa

Siapa berani menurunkan engkau
Serentak rakyatmu membela
Sang merah putih yang perwira
Berkibarlah Slama-lamanya

Kami rakyat Indonesia
Bersedia setiap masa
Mencurahkan segenap tenaga
Supaya kau tetap cemerlang

Tak goyang jiwaku menahan rintangan
Tak gentar rakyatmu berkorban
Sang merah putih yang perwira
Berkibarkah Slama-lamanya

- Materi    : Variety & Pride

- Video      : -

- Quiz        : -

- Latihan  : -

- Short movie :
=> a student who likes her friend at school but she is only able to harbor those feelings until one day she is sitting in the corridor in front of her class while listening to music and she hallucinates when she is walking with a friend she likes.
Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : Ayo Mama

Lyrics :
Ayam hitam telurnya putih
Mencari makan di pinggir kali
Sinyo hitam giginya putih
Kalau ketawa manis sekali

Ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta
Dia cuma cuma pegang beta
Ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta
Lah orang muda punya biasa

Thank you for opening my blogger, hopefully useful for all of you ... ☺️🙏


Alya Efrida
Gina Zakiyah
Rizki Ananda

as usual before starting the presentation we sing the national song in Indonesia !!! spirit !!!

- Opening : Selamat Datang Pahlawan Muda
Lyrics :
Selamat datang pahlawan muda
Lama nian kami rindukan dikau
Bertahun-tahun bercerai mata
Kini kita dapat berjumpa pula

Dengarkan sorak gegap gempita
Mengiringi derap langkah perwira
Hilangkan rindu dendam ibumu
Selamat datang di Jakarta Raya

- Materi    : Speech
=> Speech is an activity of public speaking or giving speeches to express their opinions, or provide an overview of a matter. Speeches are usually delivered by someone who gives speeches and statements about an important thing / event that is worthy of discussion.

- Video      :

- Quiz        : kahoot!

- Latihan  : look for speeches in English with at least 1 striped folio !!!

- Short movie :
=> A short story that tells about an ankle who experienced the bitterness of a father. But in the end he realized that a father was not always seen as bad and to be hated.

Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : O Ina Ikeke
Lyrics : 
o ina ni keke, mangewi sako
mangewa ki wenang, tumeles baleko
o ina ni keke, mangewi sako
mangewa ki wenang, tumeles baleko

we ane, we ane, we ane toyo
daimo siapa kotare makiwe
we ane, we ane, we ane toyo
daimo siapa kotare makiwe

Thank you for opening my blogger, hopefully useful for all of you ... ☺️🙏


Ardenzel Feraldi
Ari Wulan
Zaldy Raditya


as usual before starting the presentation we sing the national song in Indonesia !!! spirit !!!

- Opening : Bagimu Negeri

Lyrics :
Padamu negeri kami berjanji
Padamu negeri kami berbakti
Padamu negeri kami mengabdi
Bagimu negeri jiwa raga kami

- Materi    : Persuasif Text
=> In persuasive text, the main purpose is to give an appeal or invitation to the reader to do something.

- Video      :

- Quiz        : Kahoot

- Latihan :
2. Why did president sukarno want everyone to be united ?

4. From this article, can you figure out president’s sukarno hopes and dreams for the world ? expalin.

5. What are you hopes and dreams for the world and especially for your country? Describe.

- Short movie :
so where someone native to Indonesia who is married or partnered with Americans and Americans is familiarizing himself with the habits of Indonesian people in his country. this is really funny ..😂

Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : Bubuy Bulan

Lyrics :

Bubuy bulan
Bubuy bulan sangray bentang
Panon poe
Panon poe disasate

Unggal bulan, unggal bulan
Unggal bulan abdi teang

Unggal poe,unggal poe
Unggal poe oge hade

Situ Ciburuy
laukna hese dipancing
Nyeredet hate
Ningali ngeplak caina

Duh eta saha nu ngalangkung
unggal enjing
Nyeredet hate
Ningali sorot socana

Thank you for opening my blogger, hopefully useful for all of you ... ☺️🙏
Group 4

Dewi Risdiani
Ronal Arba'i
Yansen Napitupulu

as usual before starting the presentation we sing the national song in Indonesia !!! spirit !!!!


- Opening : Syukur

Lyrics :

Dari yakin 'ku teguh

Hati ikhlas 'ku penuh

Akan karunia-Mu

Tanah air pusaka

Indonesia merdeka

Syukur aku sembahkan

Ke hadirat-Mu Tuhan

Dari yakin 'ku teguh

Cinta ikhlas 'ku penuh

Akan jasa usaha

Pahlawanku yang baka

Indonesia merdeka

Syukur aku hunjukkan

Ke bawah duli tuan

- Materi    : Bullying

What is bullying is any ongoing physical or verbal mistreatment

- Video      : 

- Quiz        : Kahoot

- Latihan  : look for any bullying case, and give an opinion about the bullying case you are looking for !!!

- Short movie : 

Synopsis : i girl who was bullied at her school, she was bullied by her friends every day until one day she wanted to end her life in the basketball field and fortunately there were friends who came at the right time to stop her, and she became her best friend forever, to make her a stronger person.

Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : Kicir - Kicir

Lyrics :

Kicir kicir ini lagunya, lagu lama ya tuan dari Jakarta
Saya menyanyi ya tuan memang sengaja untuk menghibur menghibur hati nan duka
Burung dara burung merpati, terbang cepat ya tuan tiada tara
Bilalah kita ya tuan suka menyanyi, badanlah sehat ya tuan hati gembira
Buah mangga enak rasanya si manalagi ya tuan paling ternama
Siapa saya ya tuan rajin bekerja pasti menjadi menjadi warga berguna
Burung dara burung merpati, terbang cepat ya tuan tiada tara
Bilalah kita ya tuan suka menyanyi, badanlah sehat ya tuan hati gembira

Thank you for opening my blogger, hopefully useful for all of you ... ☺️🙏
Group 3

Muhammad Syaifullah
Pramuditha Faren
Punjung Khadinda


as usual before starting the presentation we sing the national song in Indonesia !!! spirit !!!!

- Opening : Di Timur Matahari
Lyrics :

Di timur matahari mulai bercahaya bercahaya
Bangun dan berdiri kawan semua semua

Marilah mengatur barisan kita

Pemuda pemudi Indonesia

- Materi    : Opinion
==> Opinion = pendapat
contohnya : asking and giving opinion
x : what do you think about my paper?
y : according in my opinion, it's good enough. you just need to revise a bit, about the words you've choosen.

- Video      : -
- Quiz        : -
- Latihan  :

make an opinion about the story !!
- Short movie :

=> a girl who is very smart and diligent who wants to change his appearance in college because he has a strange body during high school.  when he was accepted into the college he wanted he began to beautify himself from facial appearance to body appearance.  but when his body is ideal like a queen but he considers himself to be a big lump, and he is on a massive diet and exercise.  when he is really skinny and sickly he feels beautiful because the talk of that person is very unimportant because it can kill himself, and you are quite in love with yourself

Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : Badindin.

Balari lari bukannyo kijang

Pandan tajamua di muaro

Kami manari jo tari indang

Paubek hati urang basamo
Ampun jo maaf oi kami puhunkan

Pado dunsanak alek nan tibo

Sambuiklah salam oi kami ucapkan

Kami ba indang nan mudo-mudo
Bamulo indang ka ditarikan

Salam bajawek (ondeh) ganti baganti

Lagu lah indang kami nyanyikan

Supayo sanang (ondeh) basuko hati
Dindin badindin oi dindin badindin

Dindin badindin oi dindin badindin
Thank you for opening my blogger, hopefully useful for all of you ... ☺️🙏


  The following text is for number 1-3 Burning a CD allows you to take music from one CD and transfer it onto another CD. This process is po...