Saturday, November 16, 2019


hello guysss now i will tell u guys offers and sugestion my group will explain it to u guys enjoy 

Group 1

Andi Maura 
Clarisa Anabella 
Renata Maidina
Yoga Fathi A

but before we start the presentation lets sing a song called GARUDA PANCASILA
  • Opening : Garuda pancasila 

Lyrics :

Garuda pancasila
Akulah pendukungmu
Patriot proklamasi
Sedia berkorban untukmu
Pancasila dasar negara
Rakyat adil makmur sentosa
Pribadi bangsaku
Ayo maju maju
Ayo maju maju
Ayo maju maju

• Materi : Offers and Sugesstion

 about offers and suggestions like when someone tells an event to a friend and friend gives suggestions about something 

• Video : -

• Quiz : -

• Latihan :

• Short movie :

bout someone who is addicted to technology, causing him to rarely socialize. This short film tells of life in the present where many people are lonely and only have friends in the virual world.

• Closing : Kampung Nan Jauh Dimato


Lyrics :

Kampuang nan jauh di mato

Gunuang Sansai Baku Liliang

Takana Jo Kawan, Kawan Nan Lamo

Sangkek Basu Liang Suliang

Panduduknya nan elok nan

Suko Bagotong Royong

Kok susah samo samo diraso

Den Takana Jo Kampuang

Takana Jo Kampuang

Induk Ayah Adik Sadonyo

Raso Mangimbau Ngimbau Den Pulang

Den Takana Jo Kampuang

                  thats all from my group hope u guys enjoy see guys next time byeee 😘😘😘

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