Saturday, November 16, 2019


hello guyss now  group 8 will presentation bout explanation text and it also the last group hope u guys enjoy it
     Group 8

 Aulia R
 Fadiah, M
 Waj'di Juniar
 Zaldy Raditya

as usual before starting the presentation we sing the national song in Indonesia AYOOO
 Ibu Pertiwi

lyrics :
Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Sedang bersusah hati
Air matanya berlinang
Emas intannya terkenang
Hutan, gunung, sawah, lautan
Simpanan kekayaan
Kini ibu sedang lara
Merintih dan berdoa
Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Kami datang berbakti
Lihatlah, putra-putrimu
Menggembirakan ibu
Ibu, kami tetap cinta
Putramu yang setia
Menjaga harta pusaka
Untuk nusa dan bangsa
Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Sedang bersusah hati
Air matanya berlinang
Emas intannya terkenang
Hutan, gunung, sawah, lautan
Simpanan kekayaan
Kini ibu sedang lara
Merintih dan berdoa
Menjaga harta pusaka
Untuk nusa dan bangsa
Materi : Text Explanation

explanation is a text that contains the processes associated with natural, social, scientific, cultural and other phenomena.the aim is to explain the process of a phenomenon explanation text also has a general structure, the text appears usually from the word "why"

Video : no video display
Quiz : Kahoot
Latihan : Make text explanation
    ⇒about two lovebirds who have made a mistake in which the woman is persuaded to give her crown to her boyfriend

Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, yeayy !!!
 Ayo Mama

Lyrics :
Ayam hitam telurnya putihMencari makan di pinggir kaliSinyo hitam giginya putihKalau ketawa manis sekali
Ayo mama, jangan mama marah betaDia cuma cuma pegang betaAyo mama, jangan mama marah betaLah orang muda punya biasa

That's all from group 8 see u guys next time byee 😘😘😘


hello guysss now i will tell u guys bout meaning through music  the 7th group from the English project class has explained the material and I will summarize it here

Group 7

Ardenzel F
Dewi Risdiani
 M. Syaifullah
Sefriyan R
 Yansen Qatar

before the presentation starts we usually have to sing first, one of the Indonesian national songs ... Gugur Bunga

Lyrics :

Betapa hatiku takkan pilu
Telah gugur pahlawanku
Betapa hatiku takkan sedih
Hamba ditinggal sendiri
Siapakah kini pelipur lara
Nan setia dan perwira
Siapakah kini pahlawan hati
Pembela bangsa sejati
Telah gugur pahlawanku
Tunai sudah janji bakti
Gugur satu tumbuh seribu
Tanah air jaya sakti
Gugur bungaku di taman hati
Di haribaan pertiwi
Harum semerbak menambahkan sari
Tanah air jaya sakti

Materi : Meaning Through Music

a music there are several types of music and also every music sometimes has lyrics with opposite tones.

Video : No video display
Quiz : Kahoot.
Latihan :

Let's do it!!!

     ⇒about the "adult" gordie who was nostalgic after reading a newspaper about a lawyer who died was none other than a childhood friend. began when Gordie remembered his adventures along with his theme first to look for the body of the man in question his brother.

group 7 presentation finished with playing a song from eastern Indonesia.
Waktu Hujan Sore-Sore

Lyrics :
Waktu hujan sore-sore
kilat sambar pohon kenari
E jujaro deng mongare
mari dansa dan manari
Pukul Tifa toto buang
kata balimbing dikareta
sio nyong hati tuang
jangan geser tinggal beta
e . . . manari sambil goyang badan e
manari lombo, pegang lenso manisse
la rasa rame, jangan pulang dolo e . .
e . . . manari sambil goyang badange
manari lombo, pegang lenso manisse
la rasa rame, jangan pulang dolo e . .
Rasa rame, jangan pulang dolo e
Waktu hujan sore-sore
kilat sambar pohon kenari
E jujaro deng mongare
mari dansa dan manari
Pukul Tifa toto buang
kata balimbing dikareta
sio nyong hati tuang
jangan geser tinggal beta
e . . . manari sambil goyang badange
manari lombo, pegang lenso manisse
la rasa rame, jangan pulang dolo e . .
Rasa rame, jangan pulang dolo e

it is the 7th group of english projects in my class. so, wait for the next group 😘😘😘


hello guysss now i will tell u guys bout cause and effect  the 6th group from the English project class has explained the material and I will summarize it here

Group 6

Adelia azzahra
Rizki Ananda
 Ronal Arba'i
 Sarah Aprilia

as usual before starting the presentation we sing Indonesian compulsory songs.

Kebyar Kebyar

Lyrics :

Indonesia ...
Merah Darahku, Putih Tulangku
Bersatu Dalam Semangatmu

Indonesia ...
Debar Jantungku, Getar Nadiku
Berbaur Dalam Angan-anganmu
Kebyar-kebyar, Pelangi Jingga
Biarpun Bumi Bergoncang

Kau Tetap Indonesiaku
Andaikan Matahari Terbit Dari Barat
Kaupun Tetap Indonesiaku

Tak Sebilah Pedang Yang Tajam
Dapat Palingkan Daku Darimu
Kusingsingkan Lengan
Rawe-rawe Rantas
Malang-malang Tuntas

Denganmu ...
Indonesia ...
Merah Darahku, Putih Tulangku
Bersatu Dalam Semangatmu

Indonesia ...
Debar Jantungku, Getar Nadiku
Berbaur Dalam Angan-anganmu

Kebyar-kebyar, Pelangi Jingga

Indonesia ...
Merah Darahku, Putih Tulangku
Bersatu Dalam Semangatmu

Indonesia ...
Nada Laguku, Symphoni Perteguh
Selaras Dengan Symphonimu
Kebyar kebyar,pelangi jingga... 

materi : Cause and Effect

        Cause and Effect or Sentence Causality. The cause and effect sentence is also called the causal sentence or the causality sentence is a sentence that is built by involving the action that makes something happen and the result of the action.

video : no video display
Quiz : Kahoot
Latihan :


Let's do it !!

Short Movie :

          that's short movie about the dangers of smoking. we all know cigarettes are dangerous and many people still consume cigarettes. this video will probably show the bad side of cigarettes.

The presentation ended with Indonesian children's songs

Anak kambing saya - Play

Lyrics :

Anak Kambing Saya
Mana dimana anak kambing saya
Anak kambing tuan ada di pohon waru
Mana dimana jantung hati saya
Jantung hati tuan ada di kampung baru

Caca marica he hei
Caca marica he hei
Caca marica ada di kampung baru

Caca marica he hey
Caca marica he hey
Caca marica ada di kampung baru

it is the 6th group of english projects in my class. so, wait for the next group 😘😘😘


hello guys now i will tell u guys bout letter writing the 5th group from the English project class has explained the material and I will summarize it here

Group 5

Alya Efrida
 Andika Bhayangkara 
Dinda Aisyah Rachmi
 Moh. Daffa

 before starting the presentation we sing Indonesian compulsory songs. 

song : sorak-sorak gembira

Lyrics :

Bergembira semua sudah
bebas negeri kita
Indonesia merdeka

Indonesia merdeka
Menuju bahagia adalah
tujuan kita
Untuk slama-lamanya (2X)

materi : Letter writing

        in chapter 5 there is letter writing if previously in chapter 3 about party time, here about the letter. letters are usually divided into 2 which are formal and non formal. what is formal for? usually for official events such as meetings with foreign companies, or invited to a ceremony at the state palace to meet the president. if it's non-formal? Usually the writing is not too standard and make it as simple as a birthday party

video : no video display
Quiz :

Latihan : make a letter
Let's do it!!!!

Short Movie:

The presentation ended with Indonesian children's songs

lir ilir lets goo!!

Lyrics :

Lir ilir lir ilir tandure wong sumilir, tak ijo royo royo
Tak sengguh panganten anyar
Cah angon cah angon penekna blimbing kuwi
Lunyu lunyu penekna kanggo mbasuh dodotira
Dodotira dodotira kumintir bedah ing pinggir
Dondomana jrumatana kanggo seba mengko sore
Mumpung padang rembulane, mumpung jembar kalangane
Sun suraka surak hiyo
Lir ilir lir ilir tandure wong sumilir, tak ijo royo royo
Tak sengguh panganten anyar
Cah angon cah angon penekna blimbing kuwi
Lunyu lunyu penekna kanggo mbasuh dodotira
Dodotira dodotira kumintir bedah ing pinggir
Dondomana jrumatana kanggo seba mengko sore
Mumpung padang rembulane, mumpung jembar kalangane
Sun suraka surak hiyo

it is the 5th group of english projects in my class. so, wait for the next group ðŸ˜˜ðŸ˜˜ðŸ˜˜


hello guysss now i will tell u guys bout national disaster  the 4th group from the English project class has explained the material and I will summarize it here

Group 4

Daffa Abdul
  Della Ananta
Marsella Rotua
  Rizqi Ramadan 

 before starting the presentation we sing Indonesian compulsory songs.

 Berkibar Bendera
     *no video

Lyrics :

Berkibarlah benderaku
Lambang suci gagah perwira
Di seluruh pantai Indonesia
Kau tetap pujaan bangsa
Siapa berani menurunkan engkau
Serentak rakyatmu membela
Sang merah putih yang perwira
Berkibarlah Slama-lamanya
Kami rakyat Indonesia
Bersedia setiap masa
Mencurahkan segenap tenaga
Supaya kau tetap cemerlang
Tak goyang jiwaku menahan rintangan
Tak gentar rakyatmu berkorban
Sang merah putih yang perwira
Berkibarkah Slama-lamanya

materi : National Disaster-An

       so in this chapter it is about national disasters. all of you know about disaster? disasters usually occur natural factors such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides but not infrequently also from humans such as floods

video : no video display
Quiz : no Quiz, next.
Latihan :

Let's do it!!!!

Short movie :

          ➼ no short movie

The presentation ended with Indonesian children's songs

Burung Tantina - Play
    *no video

Lyrics :

Sio Tantina burung Tantina
Mati dipanah Raja Nirwana
Sio Tantina burung Tantina
Mati dipanah Raja Nirwana

Sakitnya Bukan sakit penyakit
Khabarnya Datang Dari Sri Rama
Sakitnya Bukan sakit penyakit
Khabarnya Datang Dari Sri Rama
Full video presentation! !!!!

it is the 4th group of english projects in my class. so, wait for the next group 😘😘😘


hello guyss now i will tell u guys bout party time  the third group from the English project class has explained the material and I will summarize it here

Group 3

Alif Khaidir
 Ari Wulan
  Widya Agustiani 

     The presentation starts with one of indonesia's songs "Tanah Airku"

  • Opening : Tanah Airku
      *no video

lyrics :

Tanah airku tidak kulupakan
Kan terkenang selama hidupku
Biarpun saya pergi jauh
Tidak kan hilang dari kalbu
Tanah ku yang kucintai
Engkau kuhargai
Walaupun banyak negri kujalani
Yang masyhur permai dikata orang
Tetapi kampung dan rumahku
Di sanalah kurasa senang
Tanahku tak kulupakan
Engkau kubanggakan

Tanah airku tidak kulupakan
Kan terkenang selama hidupku
Biarpun saya pergi jauh
Tidak kan hilang dari kalbu
Tanah ku yang kucintai
Engkau kuhargai

•Materi : Party Time

Chapter 3 contains party time. you all must often come to the party? any party, birthday, graduation, prom night and more. in the party we will get an invitation there is also a generic structure now that the contents of the party time includes the whole from the corner of the party

  • Video : Nope, next.

   •Quiz :

   let's do it!

•Latihan :

• Short movie :

ink short movie times which we will know from mr. about party time. so, he was invited to a rich man's house (apparently) and would hold a dinner together, watch a movie and so on, which is what the host usually does when his guests arrive. but, in Indonesia it's really rare but still there is Indonesia party time depends on the person, hehe.

then, it ends with one of indonesia's folk songs.

   •Closing : Gundul - gundul Pacul
     *no video

Lyrics :

Gundul gundul pacul cul gelelengan
Nyunggi nyunggi wakul kul gembelengan

Wakul ngglimpang segane dadi sak ratan
Wakul ngglimpang segane dadi sak ratan

it is the third group of english projects in my class. so, wait for the next group 😘😘😘


  The following text is for number 1-3 Burning a CD allows you to take music from one CD and transfer it onto another CD. This process is po...