Sunday, September 13, 2020


 How To Use Twitter: Critical Tips For New Users

Twitter is where news is broken, links are shared, and memes are born. It's also a place for chatting with friends. Yet unlike Facebook, Twitter is public by default. And that's not a bad thing. It means your jokes can go viral (if they're funny) and in addition to your friends, you can interact with your favorite journalists, athletes, artists, or political figures, all in the same space.

How to Make a Twitter Account on Mobile

Step 1: Fill out your name and phone number/email address. Make sure to use your real one as the next step will ask you to verify.

Step 2: Enter in the verification number that you received at whatever contact information you put in in 

Step 3: Choose whether you'd like to sync your contacts. This may help you find Twitter followers you know, but if you don't want to, just hit "not now."

Step 4: Search for interests. This will help Twitter recommend good profiles for you to follow.

Step 5: Twitter will provide you with some accounts you can follow based on your interests. Pick out a few you like. If you see them to start you feed off on the right foot.

Step 6: You're in! Simply click on the blue button on the top right to tweet, the grey silhouette on the top left to change your profile picture and settings, and get tweeting!

How to Search on Twitter

Twitter isn't about friending—it's about following. You can follow people you know personally, or artists or projects you're a fan of. You can follow robots and parody accounts. Really, you can do whatever you like.

Your First Tweet

Before you start firing off tweets, it might help to know a little about the mechanics.

Step 1: All tweets are a maximum of 280 characters. While that might seem too short to say anything substantive, it's not. It might mean having to tweet multiple times to make a complex point (in the Twittersphere, we call that a thread), but boiling down your thoughts to a couple of lines really just makes your statement stronger, faster to read, and more shareable.

Step 2: Speaking of a Twitter thread, if you have more than 280 characters to say about a subject they are easy to make. Just type your first tweet using the "Tweet" button, and hit the   button on the bottom right. This will string together a series of tweets where you can make a larger point.

Step 3: If you want to add a photo, a video, a poll, or a gif, you can do so in the lower bar of the "Compose new Tweet" box. Adding a photo does not use up any of your 280 characters, and you can add up to four photos or a video less than 2:20 in length and 500mb in size.

Step 4: Sharing a link your Tweet will decrease your character count by 23 characters. Pro tip: Leave a space between your text and the link. Otherwise it may include the entirety of the link in your character count.

Step 5: Hashtags are best used for adding to a larger conversation, and the most popular ones show up on the left side of the "Home" tab. Hashtags are clickable, too, so you can tap on a hashtag to see all the tweets related to that topic.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020



Greek yogurt in a glass jars

Brightening yogurt facial mask

Here’s a fun mask that Gerber recommends applying to brighten dull skin and even out skin tone. The secret is blueberries, which are incredibly rich in vitamin C.


2 tablespoons of plain organic yogurt

1 to 2 teaspoons of honey

Squeeze of lemon juice

Small handful of blueberries, organic preferably


Blend ingredients together until you get a creamy paste.

Liberally apply to your face and neck with a brush or your fingers.

Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

Note: Gerber recommends this mask be applied at night time since the lemon will make you photosensitive to the sun.

Oatmeal can help unclog pores and prevent acne.

Oatmeal mask

Molly Sims, author of “The Everyday Supermodel,” shares her secret to getting the dewy glow look with this oatmeal face mask recipe.


1/4 cup finely ground oats

2 tablespoons whole-milk plain yogurt, preferably organic

1 teaspoon honey


Combine all ingredients in a bowl.

Mix until it becomes a paste.

Spread over your face with both hands.

Rinse with warm water.

Pat your face dry

Friday, September 4, 2020



My name is maura, here i will do a task about Procedure Text

Procedure text is a text that explains or helps us how to make or use something. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series. Communicative purpose of this text is to describe how something is made through a sequence of actions or steps

and procedure text also has a purpose, that is:
- to explain/tell(the reader) How to make/operate/do something through a sequence of actions or steps.
- to explain/steps/instructions to make/operate/do something

and now i will make an example

Procedure text: How To Do

How To Plant Tree

How to plant a tree the right way can return years of happy returns
Step 1. Prepare the proper planting hole. When preparing any hole for planting, make it three times wider than the current root mass but never deeper than the plant was growing in its previous environment.

Step 2. Plant high. I go even one step further by placing trees and shrubs in their new environment with up to 25% of the root ball higher than the surrounding soil level. I then taper soil up to cover all the roots and add a generous layer of mulch above that. Newly disturbed soil tends to settle and shrubs and trees planted at grade can quickly settle below grade and succumb to root rot or disease.

Step 3. Inspect the roots and disturb when necessary. Once the plant is out of its container, look at the roots. If they are densely bound in a circular pattern or have started growing in the shape of the container (even slightly), break up the pattern.

Step 4. Don’t amend the soil. Contrary to traditional planting methods, contemporary research indicates that you should not amend the hole with additional organic material (unless you intend to amend the entire area where roots will eventually grow). Roots growing in amended soil rarely venture into harder native soil. The long-term affect is a smaller root system, reduced growth and a less hardy plant.

Step 5. Eliminate air pockets. While you could lightly tamp or hand-pack the soil around the plant roots to ensure good soil-to-root contact, I prefer to add a stiff spray of water to the hole after backfilling half way. Not only does it provide needed moisture but the water also helps eliminate air pockets that could otherwise result in dead roots or worse (without compacting the soil too much). Finally, water again gently but thoroughly once all the soil is in place.

Step 6. Add mulch. Starting about two inches from the trunk (leave this area exposed), place roughly two inches of organic matter such as shredded leaves, or ground bark or nuggets around the plant, at least out to the drip line. Further is better. Mulch helps retain much-needed moisture and helps keep roots cooler near the surface—a very important requirement for newly installed plants.

Step 7. Water Properly Until Established. The most important job you will have after planting is to keep plants and trees well watered until established. This can take weeks to months, to even a year or more in some cases. But don’t worry. You can put this part of the process on auto-pilot. (I’ll tell you how below.)

thats an example, now i will share my vidio


  The following text is for number 1-3 Burning a CD allows you to take music from one CD and transfer it onto another CD. This process is po...