Thursday, August 20, 2020

application letter

  Structure :

-Applicant contact details 

-Recipient contact information 




-Introduction (motivation,interest)

Opening paragraph:   The opening paragraph is an introduction. It will state which job you are applying for and possibly where you saw any job advertisement. It may also state that the CV is enclosed. 

-Main body (self promotion,skills,work experience)

 Second paragraph:   This section of the job application cover letter can be used to explain why you are applying detailing what particular experience skills or reasons you have that would make you suitable for the job. 

-Relevant work experience (career goals)

 Third paragraph:   This paragraph can be used to explain why you would be of particular value to the company, and give them a reason for taking your application further.

- Conclusiom

Closing paragraph:   This section can be used to state when you would be available to be contacted and interviewed, detailing any times when you may not be available. 

-Sign off




Friday, August 7, 2020

caption text



Caption Text 


cap·tion ;
a tittle or brief explanation appended to an article, ilustration, cartoon, or poster

caption is a short text consist of additional information which available in the pictures/photos. Usually it’s located below the picture itself.
Caption text is used to give further information related to a picture or simply just to decorate it to look better.

◼️ Generic structure of caption

  1. The title
  2. The lead
  3. Section Heading

◼️ Language Features

  1. Exclamation
  2. Question
  3. Adjective Phrase
  4. Personal Phrase

◼️ What is the caption function?

Helping readers or viewers to understand more information that might not be in photos or videos.

◼️ Rule of Writing a caption?

  1. Supply specific information (Answering 5W1H Question)
  2. User present tense on the first sentence
  3. Caption are written in a complete sentences
  4. Clearly identify the people and location in the photo
  5. Identify the person from left to right

◼️ How to a write caption text?

  1. Observe the picture or video you will give the caption
  2. Find out the message that will be sent from the picture before you write caption
  3. Write sentence or phrase under the picture

so this is my example of a caption text that i post my instagram


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